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School Meals and School Milk

School Meals

School meals at Carlton Hill Primary are provided through a contract with Brighton & Hove City Council and a company called Caterlink.

A school lunch costs £2.60 and needs to be paid for through our online Parentpay system. Parents / carers of all pupils on roll will be given a log-in to Parentpay which they can use for online payments for school meals, school trips, Breakfast Club and Clubs after school. Any parents not able to access this online can ask the School Office for a barcoded letter and can make payments at any local shop displaying the Paypoint logo.

There is no need to book a school meal in advance. Children can decide on the day if they want a school dinner or bring a packed lunch. You can download below a copy of our current school menu.

If a child has any dietary requirements for allergy or cultural / religious reasons, parents / carers need to complete a form which can be obtained at the school office. The school is able to offer a Halal menu option, if required.

Wider Policy around food in school


Our aim is for all aspects of school life to promote the health and well-being of all members of the school community, including food and nutrition as part of our commitment to being a healthy school.

  • Packed lunches

The school is committed to informing pupils, parents/carers about approaches to the preparation of a packed lunch that is balanced and healthy and will provide guidelines  on packed lunches to new families.  We do ask that parents use the Eatwell plate model to prepare packed lunches and  not nclude sweets, choclate bars and any fizzy drinks in their children's lunches. The school will ensure that children eating packed lunches have easy access to drinking water.

  • Snacks

Fruit and vegetable snacks are provided daily for all Key Stage 1 pupils and Key Stage 2 pupils are encouraged to bring in fruit, vegetables and other sugar free snacks such as rice cakes, breadsticks or savoury sandwiches in reusuable packaging to eat at break time.

  • Celebrations, treats and other school food events

The school recognises that food is often an important element of celebrations and families will be asked to ensure that any contributions to school events are in line with an Eatwell  plate model of eating.  Staff will ensure of blaance of foods used in class based actvities over the year. 

We do ask that families do not send in sweets or cakes for their children’s birthdays due to allergy issues, cultural and religious reasons and because we are keen to support a low sugar diet.

  • Drinks

The school recognises the contribution that the consumption of sufficient water makes to learning, positive behaviour and health.  The school will meet its legal requirement to make clean, palatable water available to all pupils and staff throughout the school day.  Parents/carers will be encouraged to provide an appropriatewater bottle for your child to use in class. and  to ensure that containers are kept clean.  We ask that only water is proved in these bottels and no other drinks.

  • Special dietary needs

Parents/carers are expected to inform schools of allergies and other diet related medical conditions.  The school will support pupils with special dietary needs during the school day.


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