Welcome to Year 4
What do we learn about?
Every day we learn reading, writing and mathematics skills, but we also learn about lots of other things! Every term you will receive more detailed half-termly overviews (CLICK HERE to view them online).
Class library and school library
Don't forget to bring your learning bag/school bag every day!
Children can borrow books from our class library to share at home. They can change these books once per week, and this will be recorded in our class reading record.
We also visit the school library once a week and children can change library books to take home.
Please read with your child as often as you can.
Multiplication Tables Check
From the 2021/22 academic year, the multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for all year 4 pupils registered at state-funded maintained schools, special schools or academies (including free schools) in England.
Children could practise at home by logging into TTRS. Follow the link below to find it:
https://www. play.ttrockstars.com/auth
Meet the team
Class Teachers: Mrs Cloke, Mrs Peters
Support staff: Mr Pakpahan, Ms Ockenden
Moving from Year 3 to Year 4? Check out the Powerpoint below:
Adventure Day!
We are very excited that we will be having another adventure day this year. There will be more information, including the date, to follow. If you have any further questions, please talk to us after school or contact the office.
In Year 4, children receive at least one certificate per term for their achievements.