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Year 5 Curriculum

Please take a look at our Year 5 half-termly overviews (below) to see a snapshot of what children are learning in each subject. If you would like to see our 'Whole School Curriculum Overview', click here. If you would like more information about our curriculum or require a paper copy, get in touch via our contacts page

Autumn 1


Place Value

We recap on place value learning from previous years.

200 + 2 + 80 = 

What is the value of 5 in 563?

What digit is in the tens place in 3307?

We round numbers to the nearest 10/100/10,000/100,000

Can you round 37 to the nearest 10?

Can you round 1502 to the nearest 1,000?

Addition and subtraction

We work towards adding whole numbers with more than 4 digits (using the column method).

We work towards subtracting whole numbers with more than 4 digits (using the column method).


We read and interpret line graphs





Poetry:  ‘Amulet’ by Ted Hughes

Write a new poem in the style of ‘Amulet’ using the patterns from the Ted Hughes's wonderful poem.

Non-Fiction: ‘Explore! Romans’ by Jane Bingham

After exploring an information page about Romans, research and create an information page about Viking life.

Fiction: ‘Beowulf’ by by A. Horowitz

Write a legend and present it in role as Viking storytellers.


We are safe online - learn about online safety with 'Play, like, share'.



Painting: Viking Longboats

Music - Words, Meaning and Expression

How does music shape our way of life?

The Savage Anglo Saxons vs. The Vicious Vikings

Find out all about the invaders and settlers who arrived after the Romans left Britain around AD 400.

Key historical questions

What do we mean by Invaders and Settlers?
Who were the Anglo Saxons?
What do archaeologists do and how and why do they dig for evidence?
How do we know about Anglo Saxon life?
What was the Anglo Saxon culture like?
Can you learn about what life was like in Anglo- Saxon times from the story of Beowulf?
Do you understand why they told stories like Beowulf?
Who did Anglo-Saxon people worship?
Do you know who Anglo-Saxon people worshipped when they first got to England?
Do you know who introduced Christianity to England?
Who was Alfred and why was he so ‘great?’
What was life like for the Vikings living in Britain?
What happened at the Battle of Hastings?


Why is the Gospel good news for Christians?
New Beginnings & Pupil Voice

Mental Health & Well-Being- sleep patterns

Autumn 2


Multiplication and division

We learn about multiples and factors.

Give an example of a number which is a multiple of 2, 4 and 6.

What are the factors of 18?

We multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000.

3,200 ÷ 100 = ___

Perimeter & Area

We measure and calculate perimeter.

An equilateral triangle has a side length of 13 m. What is its perimeter?

A square has a 10 cm side. An equilateral triangle has a 12 cm side. Which shape has the greater perimeter?

A rectangle has sides of 9 m and 3 m. What is the rectangle’s area?


How do Christians show their belief that Jesus is God incarnate?

Getting on & Falling out: friendships skills

Anti-bullying Week

Money Managament ( taught as part of maths) 

Music - Emotions & Musical Styles

How does music connect us with our past?


Fiction (continued from previous term): ‘Beowulf’ by by A. Horowitz

Write a legend and present it in role as Viking storytellers.

Poetry: ‘Civil War on the Moon’ by Ted Hughes

Write a new poem in the style of Ted Hughes and contribute it to a class collection.

Fiction: suspense - extract from ‘Sick Building’ by Paul Magrs and ‘A fire in the forest’ by W. W. E. Ross (poem)

Write a first person narrative journey ending in the discovery of an alien object.

Science Curriculum Focus

Would you like to live on the Moon?

This term, children will be exploring Space and our Solar System.

Can you identify and explain the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the sun in the solar system? 

Can you explain and describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth? 

Can you compare the time of day at different places on the Earth? 

Can you use the ideas of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky?

Geography focus - locational knowledge and map skills. 

Key questions for geography

What are the main countries and cities of the UK, Europe and America?

What is it like to live in rural and urban areas?

How are ‘human' and ‘physical features’ represented on an Ordnance Survey map?

What is a contour line and how can we develop our understanding of contour lines and the features they show?

What do people use the seafront for? How can this be preserved for the future? What are the positives and negatives to tourism?


Tag Rugby

Indoor Athletics


We make maze games - design and code a maze game. Introduce more challenge and a scoring system. 


When is your birthday?

Days of the week.


Drawing: Rocket pictures of Artist Peter Thorpe

Spring 1


Multiplication & Division

We keep working on our mental startegies

12 × 4 =

12 × 40 =                                   

206 × 3 =                       

206 × 300 =

We use written methods to multiply and divide up to 4-digit numbers.


We recap on fractions.

What is half of 72?

We explore equivalent fractions. Equivalent means the same value or amount.

We convert improper fractions to mixed numbers.


We are 3-D designers

Use Sketch-up to make  designs

Design your own piece of playground equipment (pirate ship)


Poetry:  ‘The Kraken’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Write a poem that is rich in imagery.

Fiction: ‘The Kraken’ by Gary Crew and Marc McBride

Write diary entries from the point of view of characters from the book.

Non-Fiction: Powerful Forces by Jon Richards

Pick a force (eg thrust, drag) and create a presentation for a year 4 audience explaining how we use it.



Swimming (Wednesday)


Science Curriculum Focus

Can you feel the forces?

Key scientific questions

What is a force?

How do we measure a force?

What pulls an object towards the Earth?

What slows an object when it travels through air or water?

How do levers and gears work?


Our focus will be school and classroom objects. We will learn to talk about school in French. 


How do Sikhs put their belifs about equality in to practice?

Good to Be Me 

Like a child : challenging gender stereotypes 

Music - Exploring Key & Time Signatures

How does music improve our world?

Spring 2



We recap continue with fractions.

We compare and order fractions less than 1. When the denominators are the same, the greater the numerator, the greater the fraction.

We add and subtract fractions.

Decimals & Percentages

We explore decimals as fractions.


Does believing in the resurrection change Christians view of life and death?

Growing an Anti-Racist School

Keeping Healthy & Safe- Alcohol Education  


Non-Fiction: Powerful Forces by Jon Richards

Pick a force (eg thrust, drag) and create a presentation for a year 4 audience explaining how we use it.

Poetry:  ‘What I love about school’ by Roger McGough

Through poetry, tell the class a hobby that you simultaneously love and hate!

Fiction: Traditional Tale – ‘The Asrai’ by Pat Thomas

Write a traditional ‘warning’ story that would excite a Year 6 audience. Publish on a blog and receive feedback from older children.

Music - Introducing Chords

How does music teach us about our community?


We are launchers - design a 'launcher' game that fires a sprite at multiple targets

Art and Design (DT)

Painting and Sculpture (Whole School Art Project


Whole School Book Week Project


What's today's date?





Summer 1



We will be adding decimals within 1

0.3 + 0.1 + 0.4  =

We will be adding and subtracting decimals with the same number of decimal places.

We will be adding and subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places.

I know that 16 − 6 is equal to 10, so 16 − 6.33 will be equal to 9.67

Properties of Shape

We will be measuring angles with a protractor.

What is the size of this angle?

RE and PSHE 

What do the gurus teach Sikhs?

Gypsy Roma Traveller Education

Protective Behaviours: Feeling Good Feeling Safe

Music and Computing

Getting Started with Music Tech:  How does music bring us together?

We are musicians: introducing the free software 'Linux MultiMedia Studio'. Create a piece of music to match an image.

Poetry:  ‘Last night I saw… ’ by Andrew Fusek-Peters

Write a poem about your local area to be displayed in your local area.

Non-Fiction: information booklet,  ‘Population and Settlement’ (Athens extract) by Izzi Howell

Create a promotional booklet to attract people into your newly designed future city.

Non-Fiction: Letters to Greta - ‘No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference’ by Greta Thunberg

Write an open letter to Greta (to be published online) that persuades others to join in and make a difference.


Where do you live?

Places in Town.





Collage: Design a 'future city' (David Crunelle)

Comparative study with a focus on North America

Key geographical questions

Where is Brighton located? (county/country/continent/hemisphere/climate) 
What are the key geographical features of Brighton? 
What are the key geographical features of the USA?  
How many states does the USA have? 
What does the USA ‘sound’ like?  
Where are the rivers, lakes and mountains in the USA? 
How is the USA different to Brighton? 
How is population distributed in the USA?  
Where are the most densely populated places in the USA?  
Where are the most sparsely populated places in the USA? 
How do the populations of states differ? 
What factors affect population change?  
What will happen to the population of the USA in the future? 
What foods come from the USA?  
What types of agricultural products does the USA produce?  
How is New York City different to Brighton? 
How is the USA different to England? 

Summer 2


Position & Direction

We learn how to translate shapes using coordinates.

A point is translated from ( 4 , 6 ) to ( 6 , 4 ) Is the new point higher or lower than the   original?

Measurement: Converting Units

We explore kilograms and kilometres.

7,200 m = __km

We learn about metric units and imperial units.

94 mm = __cm

We continue to learn about time.

What time is half-way between 14:00 and 14:30?


STEM project: 'Animated Character'. Make an animated character. Learn to use a servo connected to a microcontroller.


Why do Humanists say happiness is the goal for life?

Change & Moving On : going for Goals

RSE: puberty & reproduction





Local History Project

What are the Origins of The Pavilion?

Key Questions

  1. What do you know about the Royal Pavilion?
  2. Who owns the Royal Pavilion?
  3. How was the Royal Pavilion used in WW1?


Non-Fiction (continued from last term): Letters to Greta - ‘No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference’ by Greta Thunberg

Write an open letter to Greta (to be published online) that persuades others to join in and make a difference.

Poetry: ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes

Rewrite the poem from a different narrative perspective (Bess) for a modern audience. 

News Report: Write a newspaper report using information from the poem.


Does it all start with an egg?

This half term, the children will be studying life cycles and changes to humans over time.

Music - Identifying Important Musical Elements

How does music connect us with the environment?

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