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Welcome to Year 2


What do we learn about?

Every day we learn reading, writing and mathematics skills, but we also learn about lots of other things! You will receive half-termly overviews of our Year 2 curriculum (click here to view them online).


Key Dates for Autumn 1

Trip to Preston Manor in Autumn 1 (more information to follow)

Meet the parents Monday 9th September 3.20pm

Year 2 phonics parent meeting Monday 30th September

10 minutes of fame Friday 18th October

Meet The Teacher PowerPoint

Meet the team

Our class teacher is Miss Bonnie Oliver and the other adults that help us are Miss Michelle Strong, Mr Tom Smith and Miss Nadine Costa.

Moving from Year 1 to Year 2? Check out this transition information.

Learning bags and library

Don't forget to bring your learning bag every day! 

The children can change their books regularly during daily Guided Reading sessions. Please comment on their reading in their home/school reading diary.    

We also visit the school library on Thursday afternoons, and children can change library books to take home. 

Please read with your child as often as you can.


In Year 2, children receive at least one certificate per term for their achievements. 


From Year 1 upwards, children receive a home-school learning grid every two weeks. There is also online Sumdog homework.

Reading with your child is the most valuable way that you can support their learning - we cannot overemphasise this! 

Phonics links

Oxford owl - information about early reading and phonics, including how to pronounce each sound. Activities and suggestions on how to support reading at home. 

BugClub phonics - use your child's log in at the front of their reading diary to access e-books and games that we have allocated. School code: c3ac

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